Thursday, January 7, 2016

War Room

I finally watched the movie War Room that came out late this past summer.  I've been wanting to see it since I saw the previews for it this past summer. I have to wait for movies to come out on DVD before I can watch them because going to the movies is a luxury I cannot afford at this time in my life. When my neighborhood library informed me it had come in I couldn't get up to the library fast enough today. I watched it with my mom tonight and I was moved to tears over this movie.

War Room is a formidable movie. It gave me some ideas to enhance my prayer life.  For several years now,I have wanted a spare closet to make into my personal prayer room but that's space we do not have in this small house, although  I really don't think having closet space for prayer matters to Jesus. The fact that I have some where I can go and pray in private is what truly matters to Him. One day, I do hope I can have space for a prayer closet, but for now my bedroom is my war room.

We all need a war room in our lives. We need to learn to take our battles to Jesus and allow Him to fight the battles for us. I know I need to take my battles to Jesus. I try to fight these battles on my own but they always stress me out and bring me such anxiety. I know this; yet, I continue to worry (especially about needing to land a job).  Yesterday, when I was reading the Bible Matthew 6:25-30 stuck out at me.  It's a reminder, that God will take care of me. He will see that I'm clothed and feed. I need take all my anxieties into my war room and cast them onto Him (1 Peter 5:7), and so do you.

"do not fear, for I am with you,
do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you,  I will help you,
I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."
                    -Isaiah 41:10 (NRSV)

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